FOHG trips in 2020
FOHG managed to get two trips in ahead of the lockdown provisions caused by COVID-19 although both were slightly truncated.
Senior Microbiology Scientist Angelo from Adelaide spent 2 weeks at the Microbiology Laboratory at the Dr W.Z. Johannes Hospital in Kupang in March 2020. Initially his trip was scheduled for 4 weeks, but due to the rapidly unfolding situation with COVID-19 his trip had to unfortunately be cut short.
He was warmly received by the laboratory staff and had a busy time predominantly reviewing work flows and performing bench-side tutorial sessions using patient specimens that would come in each day. Quality control procedures were also reviewed and suggestions implemented whilst he was there. A number of recommendations for laboratory process improvements were left for staff to follow up on.
It was pleasing to see that two Biological Safety Cabinets had finally been installed and were being used by staff, which were a timely addition in view of the current pandemic.
It was with a heavy heart that Angelo had to leave staff to face the challenges awaiting them at the time of his departure but we have since learned that they are presently coping well.
Also in March Dr Peter together with Midwives Ann Maree, Megan and Michelle undertook a teaching trip to the Nagekeo district in NTT. The purpose was to run small group “hands-on” training in obstetric and neonatal emergency management for Birthing unit midwives in the Nagakeo district which also acted as a follow-up/refresher program for previous trips. Activities included short PowerPoint presentations, demonstrations and hands-on work stations. There was a focus on neonatal resuscitation, adult resuscitation/CPR and management of postpartum hemorrhage, including estimation of blood loss. The program was taught at three puskesmas with 12 participants on each day. Pre and post testing were undertaken to assess learning. There was very positive feedback and evaluation by the participants and a demonstrable improvement in skill and confidence. The trip helped to maintain continuity and good will with the District Health Office, the clinical director and the midwifery hierarchy.
The Committee is currently investigating ways in which FOHG might support activities in NTT without travelling there or bringing people here.
Microbiology Trip
Nagakeo Teaching Trip
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