Run for money!

I am a Nurse and a Midwife, who has been fortunate to receive excellent health care when I needed it in Australia. I was so grateful for surgery performed by Dr. Riddell, that changed my life. It inspired me to make a difference to those less fortunate. Through Dr. Riddell, I discovered the life changing work that was being carried out through the Flinders Overseas Health Group. I wanted to contribute to this great cause by doing something extraordinary. I embarked upon my quest to do the First Outback Marathon in the centre of Australia. I hoped to raise awareness and the profile of the Flinders Overseas Health Group, whilst raising funds along the way.
After 6 months of training and sacrifice, on the 31st July 2010, My husband and I travelled to Uluru to test our stamina and courage in terrain that very few runners get to experience. The scenery and spiritual nature of the land, we were privileged to run 42.2 kms on, was inspiring in itself. Sand dunes, desert winds and rugged terrain made for a challenge that would test even the most experienced marathoners from across the world. After only 9kms into the marathon, I suffered injury. It took immense motivation and great determination to continue running 33 more kms in pain – my focus the money raising efforts for the Flinders Overseas Health Group and the wonderful work they do for those less fortunate than myself. Despite being sun burnt and in pain we finished our challenge in 5 Hours and 2 Minutes. There were over 200 competitors for this inaugural marathon in the outback of Australia. We were the first husband and wife team back and I was first in my age category. I felt relieved I could honour my quest to raise funds for FOHG. At the time of writing, I have collected, through the great generosity of friends, over $3200.00 with still more to collect. I am sure this will assist the kind and generous FOHG team to do great things for the health and well-being of those who are less fortunate overseas.