15th inspection March 2016
The 15th inspection of the RVM Health Facility was implemented at the construction site in Nunumeu, City of Soe at 1:30 pm on Thursday 24 March 2016.
Tasks to be completed for this inspection were:
Hospital Building (Phase O-10):
1) Completion of Ceramic Tiles
2) Complete installation of windows and doors
3) Painting of walls (90% complete)
4) Complete installation of plug-ins, switches and lights
Support Building (Phase T-4 and Final):
1) Completion of all work required
All of the above work was completed satisfactorily.
The inspection report was given to Sr. Maria at 8:30 am on Thursday 24 March 2016.
Attached are some pictures of the construction work on the road, pathway, and general pictures of the buildings and site.
Sr. Lannie and the other Sisters are also active in beautifying the site with trees and plants. They will work with local community households to landscape the grounds around the building. The underground water tanks, septic tanks and soak pits are not yet completed.
The ceramic tiles have been finished in the Emergency Room and will be started shortly in the Delivery Room.
The electrical outlets are in two colors. The black outlets will have electricity from the generator in a power shortage and the white one will not.
Work is progressing well and it is hoped all will be finished by the end of April.